5034885 - Surface-Mounted RTD (SMD) Element with AEC-Q200

The Pt RTD SMD is designed for automatic mounting in large volume applications on printed circuit boards where long time stability, interchangeability combined with low costs are important.


Technical Data

  • Type: SMD 1206 AEC-Q200
  • Nominal Resistance R₀ [Ω]: Pt1000
  • Tolerance Class: F 0.3 (B)
  • Min. Temp. °C: -50
  • Max. Temp. °C: 150
  • Min. Tolerance Temp. °C: -50
  • Max. Tolerance Temp. °C: 150
  • Size [mm] (L₁xWxH): 3.2 / 1.6 / 0.6
  • Length₂ (mm): 0.5
  • Connection Technology: Face up mounting; reflow soldering or wave soldering, e.g double wave ≤ 8 s/235 °C
  • Soldering Connection: End termination galvanic tin plated with Ni barrier layer
  • Self-Heating: 0.4 K/mW at 0 °C
  • Packaging: Blister reel
  • Storage Life: At least 9 months (after manufacture), when stored under the recommended conditions.Longer shelf life may be possible,depending upon actual storage conditions, after requalification by customer. Nitrogen atmosphere recommended.

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The information provided in this data sheet describes certain technical characteristics of the product, but shall not be qualified or construed as quality guarantee (Beschaffenheitsgarantie) in the meaning of sections 443 and 444 German Civil Code. The information provided in this data sheet regarding measurement values (including, but not limited to, response time, long-term stability, vibration and shock resistance, insulation resistance and self-heating) are average values that have been obtained under laboratory conditions in tests of large numbers of the product. Product results or measurements achieved by customer or any other person in any production, test, or other environment may vary depending on the specific conditions of use. The customer is solely responsible to determine whether the product is suited for the customer's intended use; in this respect YAGEO Nexensos cannot assume any liability. The sale of any products by YAGEO Nexensos is exclusively subject to the General Terms of Sale and Delivery of YAGEO Nexensos in their current version at the time of purchase, which is available under www.yageo-nexensos.com/tc or may be furnished upon request. This data sheet is subject to changes without prior notice.