Iridium Discs and Cylinder


Iridium is one of the densest of all elements, which is casted by Heraeus at a melting temperature of 2410 °C. Its high degree of stiffness and resistance to deformation render its processing very difficult.

All Heraeus iridium products are produced using iridium of at least 99.8 % purity, although higher purities can be supplied for certain applications by request. The activation of the iridium products is not offered by Heraeus.

Heraeus also manufactures parts according to customer drawings. We welcome any enquiry for iridium products.

Technical Data


  • 99.8 % - 99.9 % min.

Typically dimension of Iridium-discs

  • 2.00 x 0.125 mm; 2.70 x 0.125 mm; 3.00 x 0.125 mm
  • 1.50 x 0.25 mm; 2.70 x 0.25 mm; 3.00 x 0.25 mm
  • 2.00 x 0.30 mm; 3.00 x 0.30 mm
  • 2.00 x 0.30 mm with Aluminium 3.00 mm diameter
  • 2.00 x 0.20 mm with Aluminium 3.00 mm diameter
  • 1.50 x 0.20 mm with Aluminium 3.00 mm diameter
  • 1.00 x 0.20 mm with Aluminium 3.00 mm diameter


  • ± 0.03 mm / + 0.06 mm and others


Heraeus supplies Iridium discs and iridium pins for irradiation purposes. The Iridium products from Heraeus are non activated and are used in the following applications:

1. non-destructive material testing

The Iridium sources are used in (mobile) non-destructive material test systems.

This radiographic testing is a method of inspecting materials by using the ability of short wavelength electromagnetic radiation (high energy photons). This X-ray machine uses iridium discs or iridium pins as a source of photons.

2. cancer treatment

Brachytherapy: Brachytherapy is the procedure of using temporary irradiation very close to the area of disease, in particular cancer and stenosis. Another application is Seeds Implantation: here the surgery implants radioactive sources ("seeds") in tumours in particular prostate cancer.


As a service Heraeus offers to weigh the iridium discs with a special balance. It has a highly accurate scale – Classification: 0.1 mg(!). With this classification the discs can be divided into seven weight classes.


For irradiation purposes, the mass of the components is the key-factor. As a consequence, Heraeus has invested in the balance system, which is capable to finely sort batches into precise weight classifications.

This allows irradiation service providers to locate the discs in their reactor accordingly.

Stacking and achieving the precise mass of the required number of discs makes it easier to meet the exact radiation-output the end-user demands.